This is an issue on multidimensional levels, from the material to the spiritual. All is interconnected. Something that wants to be hidden is put in plain view. It's right in your face if you know where to look. To understand the control system is to understand the Luciferian connection. To defeat this control system the occult needs to be recognised by everybody. And so like a horse with blinkers, if you can’t understand what is in front of you then you are not going to understand what is happening to you. We cannot ignore the Occult because we think it negative. It is not. It is information about how the universe, the human psyche, and natural law work. The word Occult simply means hidden from sight, something obscured. But when people hear this word negative connotations and misconceptions come with it. Occult is derived from the Latin noun oculus which means eye, and from the Latin verb ocultare which means hidden from sight. This knowledge of ourselves and how we function has been taken out of the general circulation of humanity and has been reserved for the elect few who have guarded it for selfish usage. This has created a power differential in society. How we use that knowledge makes it either good or bad. The usages can be for order and goodness, love and freedom, or for the wielding of power to gain differential advantage to create chaos and evil. The latter has been used. We need to look at the negative to understand the strategies that have been used, to understand what’s happening to us so we can be in a position to do something about it. The manipulators, who understand the positive aspects of this knowledge, wilfully choose to use it as a weapon against those not in the know, by continuing to occult it. When the manipulation tactics are known, it becomes common sense knowledge and only then will humanity ever be free. When we de-occult this knowledge, the occult is no longer the occult. It is brought out into the light of day.

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Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Don't Do Blood Over Intent!

For those who are really putting a lot of energy into the Blood over Intent, what you are doing is giving your energy away to the matrix and depleting your creative energy for yourself.   It is another distraction, an energy harvester for the matrix.   Where you willingly make a statement and spell something out on a piece of paper and spill your blood on that paper, you are consenting to that thing you have signed your name on.  Whenever you spill your blood with intent you are inviting attachments to you. Your intention is good but whenever you spill your blood of your own volition with intent you are binding your DNA in a covenant and you are bound by it, you are contracting. This is sad as you think you are doing something good for the world with this blood pact.  The soul is in the blood, your blood is a representation of your soul cage which is DNA, and which holds your Source fractal energy, and who you really are is your Source self.  Your blood is the representation of you...there is power in the blood.  Blood is life.  Your blood is very powerful.  This is why blood rituals have been practiced for thousands of years.  If they were not powerful the elite would not do them and these blood-drinking rituals would not be taking place. Many top music artists, owned by the elite, reportedly sign contracts in their blood to get into the music industry, and there's a saying that goes that they "sold their soul to 'Satan'".  You are involved in blood sacrifice every day if you eat animals, when you eat meat you are consuming blood. The shedding of animal blood is another mass ritual that is going on all over the world that feeds the matrix, which we are participating in if we eat flesh.  This attaches entities and parasites to you and taints the your blood, affecting your health and empowerment.  You are a creator at your core, and eating animals is an act of destroying life. Destruction brings you to the lowest frequency because destruction is furthest from your true nature as Source, as a creator. Anyone who has done a Blood over Intent declaration, if you have spilled your blood in a written statement, you've consented.  You will have to revoke it by Your Authority as a Sovereign, and stop ingesting animal blood, and that will empower you more than doing Blood over Intent.   If it's peace you intend to bring, without any of the lower frequencies, there are other ways of doing this for yourself, which is to raise your frequency to a high enough plane that those low vibrational things that are part of this matrix don't affect you.  Your fears and worries are programs. They have worked very heard to create fear and worry in you and get emotions and energy out of you, to feed their matrix. Whenever you are in fear you are easy to manipulate.  You need to realise the power that you have inherently.  Get out of the lower frequency realms, remove the animal flesh and blood from your diet.

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