Why would Illuminati celebrities like Oprah Winfrey promote the Law of Attraction? To give the collective consciousness a watered-down version of it in order to mislead. A popular YouTuber by the name of James Jani made a documentary called "The Dark World of New Age Gurus" which got a lot of views. He did a good job exposing a lot of the fake teachers who profit from the Law of Attraction movement, especially from the book "The Secret", who have not been very ethical and did not operate with the highest amount of integrity. The people mentioned were Bob Proctor, alleged to have been in trouble with business scams, David Scharner who was on national TV alleged to be ripping people off, James Ray who was alleged to be involved with a 911 call where he was running some sort of spiritual place with questionable practices which resulted in some people's deaths and him being charged with homicide, Joe Vitale putting out books with the All Seeing Eye image on them, and Eckhart Tolle who is buddies with the Dalai Llama who was involved with Keith Raniere CEO of NWIVM Corporation who was involved in child trafficking, and Echhart was friends with Oprah Winfrey who heavily promoted "The Secret" and who was also involved in child trafficking and a big friend of John of God the fake healer and child trafficker from Brazil. Another person on TikTok covered them in a short video he made with clips from Jani's documentary using his research, which Jani did a great job of in exposing the fraud and scammers that make a huge profit. The conclusion to the documentary, however, is a rather distorted understanding of the Law of Attraction. Just because these teachers were fake and were making money off of the Law of Attraction, therefore it's got to mean that the Law of Attraction isn't real and people don't really create their own reality. He put out there his thoughts that the teachings of Abraham Hicks were bunk, his disbelief that the victim and his aggressor are co-creators of their own realities, he believes that people attract adversities because of bad luck or circumstances. This is a YouTuber with a very large following receiving a very large number of views having a tremendous amount of influence on his audience dealing in a subject like this, and the thing that is a bit concerning here is the absence of wisdom or spiritual teaching and there are a lot of people who are not spiritually mature, they will watch this documentary and be influenced by this perspective because they see 1) a lot of unethical Law of Attraction teachers that acted without integrity, and 2) a lot of people were trying to apply the Law of Attraction according to that book "The Secret" and did not manifest the reality they wanted. Disappointed, they are concluding that the Law of Attraction is a scam. This is a dangerous conclusion to arrive to, it creates very huge distortion in the collective consciousness. If you are ignorant of the Law of Attraction, if you do not know how it creates reality and you were led to that conclusion, you would think that no such Law exists and people don't create their own reality. So it is important for people to get the right knowledge from the get-go about how they are creating their own reality every single second of the day, about how the Law of Attraction really operates to benefit them instead of being victims of their own reality. People need to know that the information shared in the movie and in the book "The Secret" was not accurate about the Law of Attraction and the teachers were not teaching it adequately, they were missing out a lot of important facts and details about the principles and mechanics of it that would have informed people properly so that they can overcome difficult situations and shift to the reality they prefer. So people were left with this conclusion that the Law of Attraction is a false teaching or New Age tosh when it isn't, it is very real. It is governing all realities dimensions and timelines at all times.
What Lies Beyond?
Things are being hidden behind our eyes by putting them in front of our eyes
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Monday, March 22, 2021
Sunday, March 14, 2021
Crowning Glory
"Corona" means "Crown". A "coronavirus vaccine" they want to inject into everyone targets the crown. Each chakra in your multidimensional body is connected to the multiverse. The root chakra connects you to your physical body and the earth. The sacral chakra connects you to your emotional body; the third is your powerhouse to your courage and willpower; the fourth connects you to the heart and service to others; the throat chakra governs communication; the brow chakra connects you to your intuition and ability to see things clearly. And the crown chakra connects you to God, to Source. The brain is connected to your crown chakra. That is why they are targeting the brain - it is to block ascension. A quality of an ascended being is a sharpened discernment to spot truth from falsehood. Ascended masters primarily focus on spiritual teachings and ascension topics and do not get involved in giving Intel about current events. There are false light workers promoting this vaccine to be safe, when the FDA can't even vouch for its safety. Many spiritually young souls are being misled by false light. Be careful who you follow, beware of false light teachers. They are not channelling the real ones, they're being misled by some other dark forces and unless you have clairsentience these dark ones are very hard to spot, they fool almost everyone. Telling them that these vaccines are beneficial... this is spiritual infiltration at its finest: another obviously false light worker has promoted the Corona vaccine as being safe, which it is not.
Too many people are waking up, so the more they can target the brain and load it with aluminium, heavy metals and self-replicating nano bots, it implements their transhumanist agenda wherein an organic human being is no longer that. He or she is slowly changed into a cyborg. Something nano-sized, a nano bot, is vanishingly small. A metre is about three feet in length, a nanometre is one billionth of a metre. The company MODERNA says on its website that this so-called 'vaccine' is an "injectable operating system". An operating system is something we have in electronic devices, phones and computers, that programmers can programme, it is an electrical, inorganic, it isn't living tissue! The living tissue that we are made of is made out of carbon-based molecules. The operating system they want to inject into people is silicon! It is an interface where silicon meets carbon and being a nano operating system, that's miniaturisation on steroids! To make the interface work there has to be a component, something on an embryonic level of cellular life, and that's why foetal cells from aborted babies are used in the so-called 'vaccines' to allow the electronic components to merge with the biological components of a living cell. That makes that living cell attach to an electronic component that can be programmed and controlled from outside. The name "MODERNA", "mode" + "RNA", is telling you it's an infusion of modified RNA (mRNA). How to distinguish between mRNA and DNA is an abbreviation for deoxyribonucleic acid. If you trace the root meaning of deoxy it means God. Derived from Deus/Dieu/Dios, Latin/French/Spanish for God, and x and y, our chromosomes. Our God-given genes. "Ribo" comes from Semitic, and in Arabic it is "rab", it means rabbi, the master, the Lord. Here we have God, Lord + nucleic acid, "nucleic" meaning at the centre and "acid" meaning fire. Deoxyribonucleic acid means God Lord and Master the Fire at the Centre of my Being. The Bible talks about DNA: "The word was God" and "the word became flesh" - DNA code. The God molecule, the blueprint of how to create a human being. Every protein and molecule in your body was coded for in the DNA and got manifest, expressed physically out of a word, by the messenger RNA. The "m" stands for "messenger" - mRNA. Messenger, communicator - how cells communicate. If you cut your skin a message goes from the cell to the DNA that a protein got destroyed - to replace what got destroyed it codes for that protein, the cell makes copies and fixes it. We call that healing. The DNA was in command and gave a message to the RNA to make another protein. It's creation taking place every second, God at the very centre of our being. An enemy of God would want to send in an alien word, an alien messenger RNA coming from eugenicist Bill Gates - that's coming from the outside and not divine. We have been warned about the spiritual numbness that comes with this Corona 'vaccine', a disconnection, an absence of feeling.
And they are targeting the chromosome in the DNA that is responsible for empathy - Chromosome 8. Empathy is compassion. We are all One. Empathy is the emotion that allows you to feel connected to each other, the epitome of what it means to be human. By them modifying the DNA in the population that is responsible for the beautiful and godly thing that is empathy they are turning them into a stoic robotic race devoid of emotion. You will feel separated and disconnected from another person and other beings if you have no emotions, and will continue to act violently, aggressively and be hostile because you don't feel another's pain. Empathy allows you to feel the pain of another as your own. Empathy is a very important emotion for the human collective to have, and is magnetised by the planet's energy being bombarded right now with higher frequency gamma rays. With the higher frequency, if you are ascending, your heart chakra is opening, you are more sensitive to these energies and you should be feeling a lot more compassionate and empathetic. Things will touch you on a deeper level.
Saturday, January 23, 2021
For we wrestled not against flesh
Last year wasn’t normal, it was very bizarre. At the end of last year was the Saturn-Jupiter conjunction on 21st December. Saturn was to usher in a wake-up call for many, bringing a lot of truth that a lot of people are not prepared for. Saturn will bring karmic lessons to many who are due for them and to those people, harsh realities that they do not want to be confronted with. That would be for the perpetrators of the evil that our earth is purging herself of. Jupiter's influence on that date at the end of last year rewards us with the sweet abundance we have earned. Astrologers said the first two months of 2021 were going to be chaotic, putting people on edge, and we’d be surprised. Around 21st January 2021, Aquarius season, Mars (martial, god of action, military!) was conjunct with Uranus, the ruler of quirkiness which is about surprises, the bolt from the blue. This is the year of dramatic surprises. What took place with that fake inauguration in America is just one and we are going to see many more coming in the mix - Uranus is still being activated. The GameStop thing took place on the last Full Moon in Leo. The astrology for February is mighty powerful. We have Saturn square Uranus and seven planets in Aquarius as well as a New Moon in Aquarius. Aquarius is about humanity, about the collective, about seeing the bigger picture. It’s about technology and inventions. It’s about coming together. The favourable time for this to happen is in the period of highly volatile energy from 11th February with the New Moon up until 25th February. There could be sudden revelations that will surprise some and others it will ruffle their feathers, especially having to do with governments, because Saturn is involved. Saturn represents governments and restrictions and he makes his first pass at Uranus. Uranus is the ruler of all of these heavenly bodies and he rules Aquarius. Aquarius is very much a visionary, tapping into a higher realm of consciousness within yourself. Watch for (1) major declass and information drops regarding government, and (2) something to do with the financial system. February ushers in a process of smashing the collective belief system and beliefs surrounding financial and governmental systems because Uranus energy plus seven planets and a New Moon is about sudden awareness, so pay attention to sudden insights out of nowhere. There is no way around this, a purging has to take place. We are talking about a higher bodily vibrational frequency that we are not used to. In the last few weeks measurement charts for the earth’s Schumann Resonance have gone completely red, showing the amplitude has gone up to 6,000 hertz! Learn to go along with it and be in the Now. Your thoughts are creating your reality and you get what you expect! If you focus on what you don’t want that’s what you get. Focus on the world that you want to build then that is what you’ll bring down. Stay in your high vibration, don’t dip down and get wrapped up in the little dramas of men. Turn the television off, you’re not getting real information there, and it’s getting harder to find real information on the internet also as your sources of accurate information are being suppressed by the Big Tech companies which are in bed with mainstream media and the cabal. If you have been following any of the military intelligence posts online and see how they thread together and know the truth, that’s when you will stick to your convictions. Those of us who know the bigger picture know there is something much bigger to this whole spectacle that’s going on here. The good guys in the military were on a mission going around the world to find people on the internet who would help them to awaken humanity. It’s a bunch of people that are popping up everywhere and when they knock one down, another one pops up, that way the information can’t be stopped from spreading, that’s why we are here, because they couldn’t trust the mainstream media, the big businesses and the politicians; they had to rely on alternative sources of light warriors in alternative outlets to get the information out, this is the only way it has to happen. And there is only so much they can give out and that we can say on air. Have faith! We are going through a massive transformation right now, psychologically and physically. The FBI have declassified some documents with important information on TESLA that will start to be disclosed. IF there is news of an alien invasion it will be fake. Stay away from all of this alien stuff and know that there is only a weird agenda behind this alien invasion thing. Right now it’s a transitional process forcing millions around the world to see reality for what it is. We have been following along, buying houses, buying cars, and now the whole system is teetering on collapsing because it’s all been built on lies and manipulation. This is why the truth is coming out on the corruption that’s been going on for millennia - the truth is a higher vibration! The dark ones and the lower entities can’t take that. Fact checkers never existed until the truth started to surface, right? We need to connect with those who are on the same vibrational level and you will find them, whether it’s animals, friends, family, doesn’t matter. Forget about whether the stupid virus hoax is going to go away or whether they’re going to reduce the restrictions. Keep the vibrational level high and do things to keep your spirit alive and happy.
Thursday, October 8, 2020
We didn't go to the moon
The level of deception is SO MASSIVE. All the photos that you see produced by NASA of a dead ball of rock are forged and photo-shopped. The televised broadcast that you saw in 1969 of Neil Armstrong landing on the moon was faked by NASA and involved the film director Stanley Kubrick. Here is an interview that was released in 2015 of Stanley Kubrick confessing in 1999 to his part in perpetuating the moon landing hoax, along with NASA and the US government, because he was the one who filmed it.
Monday, June 8, 2020
The Book of Revelation Revealed

Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Fifty ways to handle your lover
So, the rules of the bad ETs is they have to tell us what they are doing. They have to use the symbols and are allowed to use fiction. It could be literature. Or it could be a book in the British Library of London from the 1800's. There behind the glass, it was publicly opened to a page that said they wanted to have three world wars to consolidate the powers into a One World Order. The first two world wars went exactly the way that they said they would. The third one they said was going to be a war involving local groups, terrorists, because they did not think there would be any major nations left at that point. This is an example of them following the 'rules'. The positive side does not necessarily contact governments and world leaders, the vibration of those leaders won't be up to snuff. The positive side typically contact private individuals and inspire them to make a difference in the world.
We are not alone. We got the good guys on our side.